‘The vacuum cleaner circle’ consists of four vacuum cleaners with bin bags attached to their on/off switches. When the bags are inflated this tips the switch to the `on' position. Each bag is inflated from the air being blown from the vacuum cleaner next to it. As the next cleaner switches on, it blows air into the bag of the next one in a sort of chain reaction. The switch on vacuum cleaner No. 4 however is reversed, so with all the bags inflated and the circle complete, No.4 switches ‘off’ instead of ‘on’. This in turn means that all the others go off one by one until No.4 also deflates turning it on again to repeat the sequence.
To add to the irritation of this piece, a party horn was inserted into the suck pipe of each cleaner. This accentuated the already annoying noise of the four vacuum cleaners. An early manifestation of this piece did not have the forth vacuum cleaner with the reversed switch. The result of this was that the first cleaner switched on the next and the next until all four were on at which point they stayed on. It was very loud. I thought that in a gallery space people might walk between the cleaners interrupting the flow of air and therefore intermittently turning the cleaners on and off. To act as a fall back I installed a timing plug which allowed for fifteen minute periods of alternately on and off. I hoped this would make it a bit more bearable. |