“Art students in their thousands have been motivated and inspired by Dobrowolski’s compelling and very funny lectures,” - Derek Horton - writer, curator and former head of Research in Contemporary Art at Leeds Metropolitan University
"Chris will talk about making his way as an artist in a world that remains largely indifferent to his work"
'Cheap Cheap', - a bird box made from two pence coins
Initially made for the launch of Chris Dobrowolski's book -‘Escape’- ‘How NOT to make a living as an artist’ was originally called ‘Buy My Bloody Book!’ - This performance lecture is a collection of personal anecdotes that focus on the humorous aspects of trying and failing to become a successful artist. He shares his thought process while attempting to square his notions of integrity and authenticity as they collide with the sociopathic tendencies and paradoxes of the art system.
Although it’s been delivered in various contexts this performance lecture has been popular within art colleges; specifically when addressing the subject of ‘Professional Practice’ – a compulsory part of the curriculum in British art colleges today.
Promo Videos
This film was a promo for my book 'Escape'. Its a radio interview with Steve Hawthorne by Steve Foster on BBC radio Suffolk (3mins. 4secs.)