Materials: Wooden box, 78 record, player and amplifier, trainset, wooden pallets, lighting, oil paint. When the veiwer puts their head up inside the box this triggers a movement sensor. The light comes on; the record player starts to work and the train goes around the track (and around your head). The carriage behind the train runs on a second set of rails and has a speaker in it. These rails are connected to the speaker cables of the amplifier so that sound from the record player comes out of the carriage. It was a very scratched copy of 'Wagon Wheels' by Jack Payne and his orchestra 1934.
Photo: Doug Atfield
Photo: Doug Atfield
It wasn't a totally satisfactory piece. It was also a bit of a struggle to get into. I also realised that the hole forced the viewer too close to the painted surface for the illusion of the painting to work properly. We normally stand back from a painting not climb into it. Not long afterwards I dismantled this piece, corrected what I thought was wrong with it and rebuilt it as 'Siberia'. The new work has a far darker ambience to it.
I made a hatch in the side mainly for access to do maintenance. It became a photo opportunity door. Photo: Doug Atfield
Photo: Doug Atfield
The record player could be seen working through the clear perspex lid. Photo: Doug Atfield